Author = Barouni, Mohsen
Evaluation of Quality Clinical Training in the Baqiyatallah Hospital Based on the Baldrige Excellence Model

Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2014, Pages 22-28

Mohammad Saleh Fallah; Nooredin Dopeykar; Shahram Tofighi; Zahra Azami Alvand; Hosien Amini Anabod; Mohsen Barouni; Mojtaba Khajehazad; Nourolhoda Fakhrzad

Quantitative Effect of Education on Economic Growth and Rural and Urban Household’s Welfare in Iran: A Structural Path Analysis Approach

Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2013, Pages 20-28

Mehdi Khakian; Mohsen Barouni; Nourolhoda Fakhrzad; Javad Neshani Sadabad; Alireza Khakian; Zeynab Kargar